Archive for Barack Obama

Dupa 8 ani de Bush

Posted in Politic, Say what?, Social, Video with tags , , on December 17, 2008 by Le Roi

Ce a facut Bush in cei 8 ani la Casa alba:

A tinut discursuri

A dansat step

A dansat “Dansul ploii”

Ce urmeaza? Un tip care fumeaza…

…apoi incearca fara succes sa danseze ca Bush

In show-off they trust.

Obama 1(more) – Palin 0

Posted in Politic, Stiri/News with tags , , on October 27, 2008 by Le Roi

Governor Palin’s hometown newspaper, Anchorage Daily News – also Alaska’s largest newspaper, has endorsed Barack Obama for president.

How’s that for taking sides?

…and the winner is… uhh…

Posted in Politic with tags , , , , , on October 16, 2008 by Le Roi

Last night the final debate between Obama and McCain. Acording to a poll that CNN took after the debate, 58% of people felt Obama won it, while 31% felt McCain was the better one. The poll also indicates that the majority of people polled felt Obama would do a better job on the economy, health care, and taxes. Additionally, those polled felt Obama was more likable and the stronger leader.

According to a poll made by Politico, the score was 49% to 46% in favor of Obama, a much closer call. Politico says that the 3% margin is actually the margin of error, which implies that McCain has just as many chances as Obama.

The CBS poll shows Obama to be up at 53% while McCain was considered a winner by only 22%. 25% said it was a close call and they sided noone.

These polls remind me of an anecdote. It is said that in 1866, when Prussia was fighting Austria, a guy went to the newsstand to get a paper. He got it, paid for it, and before leaving looked at the headline and remarked “Oh, Prussia won the battle. I was hoping Austria would prevail…” The guy selling the newspapers exclaimed “Oh! Why didn’t you say so? If you wanted to read about Austria’s win, then you have to buy another newspaper!”

(via Yahoo! Buzz)